IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Multicast Forwarding Cache v6 (MFC6)

This chapter describes Multicast Forwarding Cache v6 (MFC6) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: MFC6.001 No buf for MLD poll, ifc MLD_interface

Long Syntax: MFC6.001 No buffer to send MLD Query on interface MLD_interface

Description: An MLD Query could not be sent out the specified interface, due to buffer shortages. No attempt will be made to send another one until the next poll interval elapses.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration and traffic.

Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level. Upgrade for more memory, or disable unnecesary forwarders/protocols or get more memory.



Short Syntax: MFC6.002 MLD poll fails, ifc MLD_interface rsn failure_code

Long Syntax: MFC6.002 Can't send MLD Query on interface MLD_interface reason: failure_code

Description: An MLD Query could not be sent out the specified interface, due to the specified reason. No attempt will be made to send another one until the next poll interval elapses.

Cause: The net handler for the interface identified failed to send the poll for the reason (code) indicated.

Action: Check the reason code issued with this message, and correct the problem.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.003 Rcvd MLD Report IP_source -> IP_destination, nt network ID

Long Syntax: MFC6.003 Received MLD Report IP_source -> IP_destination, net network ID

Description: An MLD Report has been received on the specified interface.



Short Syntax: MFC6.004 Unexp MLD Query IP_source -> IP_destination, nt network ID

Long Syntax: MFC6.004 Unexpected MLD Query, IP_source -> IP_destination net network ID

Description: An MLD Query has been received on an interface where the receiving router itself is sending Host Membership Queries (i.e., the router itself is the Designated Router). This is unexpected. Host Membership Queries are ignored in any case.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.005 Rcvd MLD Query IP_source -> IP_destination, nt network ID

Long Syntax: MFC6.005 Received MLD Query, IP_source -> IP_destination net network ID

Description: An MLD Query has been received. These are ignored by multicast routers.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.006 Rcvd dgram IP_source -> IP_destination, from receiving_interface

Long Syntax: MFC6.006 Received IP multicast datagram, IP_source -> IP_destination, from receiving_interface

Description: An IP datagram has been received that has a class D address, indicating IP multicast. An attempt will be made to forward the datagram.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.007 Fwrd dgram IP_source -> IP_destination, nt network ID

Long Syntax: MFC6.007 Forwarded IP multicast datagram, IP_source -> IP_destination, net network ID

Description: An IP datagram has been forwarded out the specified interface as a data-link multicast.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.008 Fwrd dgram IP_source -> IP_destination, nbr IP_gw_address

Long Syntax: MFC6.008 Forwarded IP multicast datagram, IP_source -> IP_destination, neighbor IP_gw_address

Description: An IP datagram has been forwarded to a specific neighbor, as a data-link unicast.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.009 Local delivery, IP_source -> IP_destination

Long Syntax: MFC6.009 Local delivery of multicast datagram, IP_source -> IP_destination

Description: An IP datagram has been delivered to one of the router's internal applications.



Short Syntax: MFC6.010 Bad IP option, IP_source -> IP_destination

Long Syntax: MFC6.010 Multicast datagram discarded due to bad option, IP_source -> IP_destination

Description: An IP multicast datagram has been received, containing a bad IP option (misformatted or inappropriate for multicast). The datagram is discarded w/o returning an ICMP message.



Short Syntax: MFC6.011 Can't fwd IP_source -> IP_destination, rsn: reason

Long Syntax: MFC6.011 Can't forward multicast IP_source -> IP_destination, due to reason : reason

Description: An IP multicast datagram has not been forwarded, due to the specified reason.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.012 Lcl orig IP_source -> IP_destination

Long Syntax: MFC6.012 Locally originated multicast, IP_source -> IP_destination

Description: An IP datagram has been originated by one of the router's internal applications; an attempt is being made to forward it. Such datagrams are always forwarded out the interface associated with the packet source (if any), regardless of any other forwarding decision.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.013 Rcvd MLD reg for IP_source

Long Syntax: MFC6.013 Received MLD Register Request for group IP_source

Description: An MLD Register Request has been received from an internal application.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: MFC6.014 Rcvd MLD Done IP_source -> IP_destination, group IP_group nt network ID

Long Syntax: MFC6.014 Received MLD Done IP_source -> IP_destination, group IP_group net network ID

Description: An MLD Done message has been received on the specified interface.



Short Syntax: MFC6.015 Bad dp trie key delete, fnc : function

Long Syntax: MFC6.015 The deletion of a dp trie key failed in function : function

Description: A function attempted to delete a key from a dp trie data structure.

Cause: The specified key could not be found in the dp trie.

Action: Contact your IBM service representative.

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